There are multiple external and internal factors pushing on healthcare administrators in thismarket. It becomes harder to remain focused on the central mission and vision of theorganization. This assignment provides the opportunity for you to have a voice and make abusiness case for innovation in health care that ties to the hospital’s mission and vision.A business case is designed to lead directly to a decision (Gambles, 2009; Roussel, Thomas, &Harris, 2016). Therefore it should be directed toward those individuals with the authority tomake decisions for the organization. This work will focus on making a recommendation to seniorleadership on improving a process within your organization.Respond to the following:Creating a fiscal and operational plan takes vision, alignment with the larger organizational plan,and attention to detail. As a masters prepared nurse, you are expected to have the necessarycompetencies to achieve budget soundness by using the best approach possible. This PowerPoint(with voice over) assignment will take you a step past the discussion forum this week.Your task at hand is to make a presentation related to this discussion. You have made thepresentation at the Nursing Leadership Council and now you are asked to present this atthe senior administrative team meeting.You have been granted a 15 minute block (including time for questions) on the SeniorAdministrative Team meeting to make your business case of why leadership should agree to yourproposal. You found out that the CEO prefers proposals made using SBAR format (Situation,Background, Assessment, and Recommendation or Request) as a simple yet effective way tostandardize communication. Therefore, you will prepare a 10 slide PowerPoint Presentationusing SBAR format to make the business case for why the improvement should occur.This should be a succinctly prepared PowerPoint Presentation using SBAR format. Rememberto use the notes and Voice Over to add additional information. The voice over will be nolonger than two minutes per slide as if you were presenting this in person based on the 25 minutepresentation block. There is a minimum of three references and citations.References: Gambles, I. (2009). Making the business case: Proposals that succeed for projects thatwork. Burlington, VT: Gower Publishing Company. Roussel, L., Thomas, P., & Harris, J. (2016). Management and leadership for nurseadministrators. (7th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to: Demonstrate leadership and stewardship through the improvement initiative. (SLPO 1;NUR 625 M7A1: Presentation of Your CaseCO 1) Use knowledge of healthcare financial management principles in the development ofyour proposal. (SLPO 4; NLAC 2; CO 2)Review the presentation format to know the topic headings you should include in yourpresentation.Select each highlighted text for more information on the topic headings to be included in thepresentation.Introduction (30 %)Title Slide: Name of proposal, author, and date (1 slide).Situation:a) Describe the product or service you are proposing (1 slide).b) Remember to present the supporting rationale for “why” the change is needed now.Background:c) identify the goal or purpose of the proposed product or service (1-2 slides).d) Connect the relationship of the product/service to the organization’s existing mission, vision, andgoals. Tie the change to the organization’s strategic plan or quality initiatives (e.g. patient safety goals,patient experience, or financial return on investment).Assessment: 30%a) Provide SWOT analysis to describing succinctly the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threatsregarding your proposal (1 slide)b) Categorize the projected costs (e.g. personnel/labor, supplies, equipment, remodeling) along withcourse correction costs it will take to remedy the identified change (1-2 slides).c) Projects invariably involve risks. Clearly identify any risks associated with the proposed change andwhat it would take to mitigate the risk (1 slide).Conclusion 10%NUR 625 M7A1: Presentation of Your CaseRecommendation or Request:a) Provide a conclusion section that summarizes the proposal including what you are requesting orrecommending a timeline and costs (1 slide).b) References (1 slide).
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