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ASHWORTH BM410.1.1 Online Exam 5_05 (Score 100%)

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QuestionQuestion 1 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsManagers who rush through the hiring process and assume that they can fix any problems with a candidate during the training process:A. have never gone through the process of attempting to train subpar employees.B. may find that the problems cannot be corrected and the hire is a mistake.C. will have to fire that employee eventually for incompetence.D. should not be in a managerial position with the company.Question 2 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsThe organization of a company’s sales force is most heavily influenced by:A. the price customers are willing to pay for the product.B. the marketing department.C. the goals of the entire organization.D. the metrics set by the sales departmentQuestion 3 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsAll of the following are elements that are likely to appear in a job description EXCEPT:A. The age of the ideal candidateB. The products or services the employee will be sellingC. The tasks and responsibilities of the jobD. The relationship between the employee and others in the organizationQuestion 4 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsWhat is a way to qualify applicants coming from newspaper advertisements?A. Provide specific information about the job duties and personal characteristics needed so that applicants will qualify themselves.B. Ignore all resumes sent in without cover letters.C. Specify in the advertisement that only qualified applicants should send in resumes.D. Place the ads in as many newspapers as possible so you will receive as many applications as possible.Question 5 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsThe turnover rate for salespeople is:A. approximately the same as the turnover rate for employees as a whole.B. slightly higher than the turnover rate for employees as a whole.C. much higher than the turnover rate for employees as a whole.D. slightly lower than the turnover rate for employees as a whole.Question 6 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsAfter an applicant has accepted a position with a hiring company, what is the purpose of sending the new hire employee handbooks and company-branded materials such as pens and apparel and having current employees make contact with the new hire?A. To let the new hire know the company has a budget for branded materialsB. To build commitment in the new hireC. To show the new hire how he or she will be expected to treat valued customersD. to ask the new hire to do a sample presentation on the product the first day of workQuestion 7 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsA job analysis is an analysis of the:A. job market in the company’s industry.B. duties, behaviors, and activities of a person in a sales position.C. employees in the same job function within a company, comparing their performances.D. ways a given job in a company could be made more efficient.Question 8 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsWhat is the guiding idea behind the way companies structure their sales forces?A. The sales force should support the marketing department and its goals.B. Buyers will be more satisfied if they can purchase what, when, and the way they want to.C. A happy salesperson will sell more for the company, so maximizing sales staff satisfaction is key.D. Fewer channels cause fewer complications, so choosing the simplest organizational structure is best.Question 9 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsA break-even analysis is a calculation that helps sales managers figure out:A. whether it is more cost-effective to hire in-house salespeople or independent sales agents.B. the monthly commissions they pay to salespeople.C. which products have the highest margins for the company.D. how to structure the sales force for maximum efficiency.Question 10 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsWhat is one way a company can encourage its employees to refer their friends who are excellent candidates for sales positions?A. Give extra vacation time to employees who give the names of qualified friends and family members.B. Offer a bonus to employees whose friends are hired and stay for at least a year.C. Encourage employees to invite friends and family members to company events.D. Ask employees to mention the company to career development offices at the colleges or universities they attended.Question 11 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsWhat is the first step in the process of selecting a candidate for a sales position?A. Giving the candidate testsB. Interviewing the candidate personallyC. Checking the candidate’s background informationD. Having the candidate fill out an application formQuestion 12 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsChanges in demographics mean that companies that want to attract and retain excellent candidates will need to institute corporate policies that:A. provide flexibility and support for nontraditional families and older workers.B. support Spanish-speaking salespeople.C. require a higher percentage of new hires to be non-Anglo people.D. pay more into Social Security and FICA as the population gets older.Question 13 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsIn general, the more specialized the selling:A. the more customers each salesperson will have.B. the shorter the sales process will take.C. the fewer salespeople one manager can manage.D. the less time each sale will take.Question 14 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsA geographical sales structure:A. organizes the sales force according to where salespeople live.B. organizes the sales force in teams of salespeople, each representing different regions.C. organizes sales territories by customer account.D. organizes sales territories by physical areas of the world.Question 15 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsOne of the biggest issues companies who use computerized sales must deal with in relation to their customers is:A. avoiding sending salespeople to call on them in person.B. making sure that the email messages they send to customers are not experienced as spam.C. making products that appeal to customers who prefer to do business by computer.D. convincing salespeople to give their customer records to be inputted to computers.Question 16 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsIn a line organization reporting structure, the main disadvantage is that:A. decision making is shared equally among all the management levels.B. salespeople are competing with each other for customers.C. salespeople have no idea who their managers report to.D. salespeople have little leeway to make on-the-spot decisions to keep customers happy.Question 17 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsIf a company is not finding enough applicants for sales positions, it is likely that:A. the company is not a leader in the industry.B. the company needs to offer more training for new hires.C. the company has not analyzed the job effectively enough.D. the sources the company is using is a bad fit.Question 18 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsA product sales structure assigns salespeople:A. by geographical area.B. by size of the customer.C. according to product lines or divisions.D. according to seniority.Question 19 of 40 0.0/ 2.5 PointsThe workload method of calculating the number of salespeople a company needs to hire:A. asks salespeople to perform duties traditionally performed by other job functions.B. is logical in theory, but is impractical to calculate and implement.C. uses computations that are too difficult to be practical.D. takes into account the various duties of salespeople as well as the company’s goals.Question 20 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsAccording to economic theory, sales managers should hire as many salespeople as possible:A. until the market is saturated.B. until the salespeople feel too much competition in the workplace and become dissatisfied.C. as long as each salesperson sells more than he or she costs the company.D. as long as the salespeople are willing to work for the wages offered.Part 2 of 2 – Question 21 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsAt what time would an entire sales force, including both new hires and long-term employees, need training?A. At the beginning of the fiscal yearB. At the end of a quarter with decreased salesC. When a new product is rolled outD. When a new sales manager is hiredQuestion 22 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsCompanies that ask new hires to do on-the-job training, or shadowing to shadow current sales reps, intend for the new hires to:A. skip traditional training classes.B. model the behavior of the experienced salespeople.C. memorize everything the current sale rep does to replicate it perfectly.D. critique the current rep’s performance as part of a two-way training assessment.Question 23 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsWhich of the following is NOT one of the four types of feedback measure used to assess the success of a training program?A. ReactionB. LearningC. BehaviorsD. AppraisalQuestion 24 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsUtility analysis is a method of examining the effectiveness of a training program that is:A. constantly evolving to yield better statistical models.B. not useful in and of itself.C. an extension of the results-based measures of assessment.D. under further study.Question 25 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsWhat is a good training method for teaching complex skills in a face-to-face format?A. WebinarsB. Role-playing exercisesC. Online self-paced sessionsD. Instructor-led lecturesQuestion 26 of 40 0.0/ 2.5 PointsAll of the following are training methods that use the Iinternet EXCEPT:A. wikis.B. webinars.C. video live on demand.D. podcasts.Question 27 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsOnce it is determined that an employee needs some kind of training, the manager should write:A. to the training department to request it.B. up a disciplinary notice because the employee was not adequately prepared.C. back to the human resources department to follow up with them.D. an individualized training plan for the employee.Question 28 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsIn order to be able to develop, execute, and evaluate the training program, what has to be developed first?A. The learning objectives for the trainingB. The budget for the trainingC. The list of trainers who will perform the trainingD. The list of attendees who will attend the trainingQuestion 29 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsSome of the objectives of the training course should include:A. memorization.B. computerized testing.C. teaching upper-level skills as well as lower- level skills from the cognitive/knowledge and affective/attitude categories.D. “hot-seating,” or asking students questions in class to test their knowledge of the material.Question 30 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsThe skills taught in Bloom’s affective/attitude categories could also be described as being:A. preferences.B. intellectual options.C. analytical skills.D. social and communicative skills.Question 31 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsWhat are the three levels of information that need to be considered when determining training objectives?A. Organizational, ability, and assessmentB. Organizational, sales, and abilityC. Organizational, task, and individualD. Knowledge, task, and skillsQuestion 32 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsBloom’s cognitive/knowledge categories teach skills that all have to do with dealing with and processing:A. information.B. analysis.C. intelligence.D. emotions.Question 33 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsInstructor-led, in-person training can be flexible and a good way for trainees to network, but it can also be:A. delivered on the Iinternet.B. condensed into podcasts or streaming video.C. the least expensive option for similar multiple trainings.D. boring and expensive to attend.Question 34 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsWhat is the most likely reason that companies run training programs that do not succeed?A. The company did not set specific objectives for the programs, so the programs weren’t targeted correctly.B. The company could not convince new salespeople to attend the trainings.C. The company did not budget enough time and human capital for the training programs.D. The company did not budget enough money for the training programs.Question 35 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsWhen salespeople give new technology an honest try but ultimately reject it, it is usually because:A. they are too old to learn to use computers.B. they are afraid of things they don’t understand.C. they will not be penalized for refusing the technology.D. the technology is a poor fit for what the salespeople actually need.Question 36 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsIn the past, managers did not spend much time training new salespeople on ethics. Now, training in ethics:A. takes longer than training on basic sales techniques.B. is more extensive than training on what the product is.C. teaches salespeople to promote the ethical practices of the company to customers.D. exposes the questionable side of proper sales behavior.Question 37 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsWhat does “learning transfer” mean?A. Learning transfer is another phrase for learning objective.B. Learning transfer means that what is learned in a training program is retained and then applied in the field.C. Learning transfer means that the trainer is able to effectively transfer what is in his or head into the minds of the salespeople in the training.D. A learning transfer is a center staffed with trainers and all the equipment needed to run a company’s software and train salespeople on it.Question 38 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsA company that wants to prevent experienced salespeople from leaving the company at key career transition times can:A. offer a higher commissions than any other salesperson receives.B. redistribute sales territories to give the salespeople key accounts.C. have individual meetings with each salesperson to try to convince them to stay.D. provide upper-level sales training for the salespeople right at those transition times to encourage them to stay.Question 39 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsIn order to develop an effective training program for sales employees, companies must first determine:A. what is the actual need for training.B. who will receive the training.C. who will conduct the training.D. how the training will be delivered.Question 40 of 40 2.5/ 2.5 PointsA training assessment determines:A. how well the training was conducted.B. how well the attendees retained what they learned in the training.C. how things could be improved for the next time.D. what topics need to be covered in a training program.

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